Pretty Face

Cruisehub Stories Website

Author: Peotic Bane

Seun sat behind the steering wheel of her little car in the garage of an abandoned shopping complex. The time on her watch says 7:15pm, she pulled out an empty syringe from her purse and a vial of vecuronium. She poked the top of the vial with the syringe needle and drew out its content. Back in her days in nursing school, she remembered being told to replace the needle she uses in drawing from a vial with a new one so as to lessen the recipient’s pain. The thought of it caused her to chuckle. What does it matter if the recipient was going to die anyway? After filling the syringe, she secured the top with a cover and tucked it in her purse. Now, all she had to do is wait for his call. Seun was not afraid of being alone in the dark, in a strange place. Infact, she was familiar with it, dark places, abandoned places, they happen to be her favourites. At exactly 8:00pm, her phone rang, it was a private number like always. It wasn’t like she was ever going to try to find him, it wasn’t her job to. She rolled her eyes and picked the call but she didn’t speak first, she never does, it was like her own way of rebelling. “Seun.” His cold, deep voice sent shivers down her spine. Sixteen years and he still has that effect on her, he still scares her. “Doc.” She answered plainly, there was no need to be friendly. “Ouch, that hurts. Do you have to be so cold and sour?” He said, imitating a child’s voice which caused Seun to roll her eyes even more. “Sorry.” “Yeah, how have you been?.” Seun wondered why he was being so kind tonight. Is he planning something agai? “Good.” “It’s been what? Five days since your last mission which you executed neatly. I’m sure you’re doing good. Your client tonight is no ordinary man, he’s with company. Two men sitting in the reception, two others in a room next to his. Seun, you know what to do. I’ll send you the pictures of his men so you can be careful.” And then, there was the beep tone. He hung up, no response from her would make any sense to him. He treats her like a tool, nothing more than a mere tool. Seun looked into the rearview mirror, her oval face bore big brown eyes, a very small nose and a small mouth with heart shaped lips. Her caramel skin seemed to glitter or so she was made to believe by the numerous men she had been with. Her hair was fake but one could never tell as she paid millions of naira to make sure of that. Her nails were neatly manicured, short and painted red. This was definitely not the life she chose, life could be much better, why in her case does it have to be much worse? Seun slipped out of her jean shorts and t-shirt, she then pulled a thin red dress out of a shopping bag that was sitting next to her in the passenger seat. She slipped into it, the dress was sleeveless and rode slightly below her bubble butt. She admired her own breasts in the mirror. The dress did them much justice as it allowed an ample portion to be revealed. Seun folded her old clothes and put them into the shopping bag. She then proceeded to wear a pair of black leather gloves on her very small hands after which she drove out of the garage into the busy streets of Lagos. Lagos doesn’t seem to sleep because to Seun, it always seemed more bubbly at night than in the daytime. There were restaurants, electronic shops, boutiques and many more business areas lined along the road. There was a little traffic hold up and Seun had to slow down, she looked out of the window and into the glass wall of a nice restaurant. There was a young couple sitting very close to the wall, Seun watched as the young man fed some food to the lady, they were all lovey dovey. When was it ever going to be her turn? When will she be free to find love? Is she even worthy of it? She was lost in thoughts when the blaring of the horn of a car behind her brought her back to live only for her to see that the traffic had let up. She stepped on the gas and drove away, she looked at her time only to realize she’s got thirty minutes before her appointment. Seun drove until she was about three buildings away from her client’s location. She parked her car in a dark corner, grabbed her purse and checked the pictures Doc sent her. She left her phone in her car, stepped out and locked the car before walking the rest of the way to five star hotel where her client was waiting. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ When Seun stepped into the reception area of the hotel, she did it with style. Her seven inches heels felt like an extension of her legs, she walked with her head high but her senses intensified. In a corner of the area sat two men dressed in black suits, they were the same men in the picture from earlier. These men would be considered simple by the outside world but who sits with a friend in the reception drinking beer without saying anything? It was obvious they were on duty. Seun walked up to the receptionist. “Room 106.” She said with a straight face as the young lady smiled to her. The smile was tired and forced but it was only normal for people in customer care service to be friendly at all times. “Good evening and welcome to Grand hotel. Your room is on the 11th floor and here’s your card. We hope you have a nice time.” The woman spurted like a robot. Seun took the key card and proceeded to the lift, she looked around for CCTV cameras. Doc always made sure to take care of it but Seun loved to double check as it was her life on the line. When Seun arrived the 11th floor, she stepped with caution. Doc’s words rang in her ears. “Two others in a room next to his.” But she didn’t get the number. “Was it 105 or 107?” She wondered. She took a moment to admire the door to the room before knocking. She waited for an answer but instead the door opened, a 30ish man stepped out, he had a scar above his left eye and his head was bald. He was also dressed in a suit like the men in the bar, he was definitely not her client. “You can go in.” The man said, his 6ft frame looking down at her 5″5. He walked away from the door and turned right. Seun watched as he knocked the door with the number 107 and disappeared into it as soon as someone opened it from the inside. The room was so big and well furnished, she admired the interior designs. The golden drapes matched the rugs and the furnitures were covered in white leather. On the oversized bed laid a big man, he looked to be slightly taller than she is but he was so big. Seun preferred big men, they were always weak and easy to handle and their dicks tended to be on the smaller side. “You’re so small.” The man said as he sat up in the bed. He was light-skinned and dressed in a kaftan. “I love my girls big, just like me.” Seun smiled sweetly. “Is it about size or skills?” “It’s definitely not about size but I’ll easily tire you out.” The self appraisal pissed Seun off but she kept her smile, he’s definitely on the smaller side. The smaller ones boast too much. “Come closer.” Seun moved closer to him as ordered. “You’re so beautiful. I thought it was because I had too much to drink that I was stunned by your looks from afar but up close, you’re so gorgeous.” This he said while he peeled the dress off her. When he reached for her gloves, Seun withdrew her hands. “I feel very self conscious of my hands.” She whispered. “Did you get into an accident?” Seun nodded, she liked that he imagined that. In one swift move, he took his own clothes off, exposing a very huge boner. Seun knew what to do, she pushed him into the bed and crawled between his fat legs then begin to suck his length. “You’re good with your mouth.” He said between moans. Seun thought he moaned like a lady, he writhed and wriggled like he was convulsing. “Come up here.” He soon said. Seun did as told and pulled her purse closer. “What are you doing?” “You see, I mess myself during sex. I have a roll of toilet paper in my purse that I’d like to keep close.” “It’s okay to squirt. I don’t mind that.” “I’m just not very comfortable.” Seun said meekly. “Alright.” The man reached for a condom on the drawer beside the bed. He ripped the wrapper off and put it on himself. There was no time to waste, he brought Seun down on himself not minding if he injured her. Seun hated this but this is a part of her job, she rode him fiercely until she saw his eyes closed on pleasure. She leaned forward, covering his face with her breasts, she opened her purse and took out the syringe. Seun struggled with balance because the foolish fato beneath her won’t stop thrashing around. When she was finally able to steady herself, she wasted no time in removing the syringe’s cap and jabbing the needle into his neck. “Ugh.” The man cried, the pain must have brought him to his senses. He opened his mouth in protest but his words came out slurred as the vecuronium started to kick in. “Whaa evv yiuu donnnne to meeei.” He managed to say. “Nothing, I’m merely doing as told.” Seun answered while still riding him. It will take some more minutes before he totally passes out. She might as well get out of there. She sprang to her feet and started getting her things when she heard a knock on the door. Seun froze halfway, “Who could that be?” She thought. She was still thinking when another knock sounded on the door, it was louder than the first.
The door knob turned slowly, she had to think of something and she had to think fast. Without wasting any time, she dropped her things back on the floor, sprinted back to the bed and hurriedly lowered herself on the dying man’s cock. Seun began riding with abandon, she moaned so loud in hope to drown the man’s incoherent struggle. She could hear footsteps behind her “Was it common for rich men to have their boys walk in on them during sex? Seun felt her client grab her ass cheeks and dug his nails into her supple flesh, he was bruising her bad, it was his final attempt at vengeance. Seun did not let his action deter her, she moaned even louder. Behind them, she heard footsteps approach. If this person got any closer, they would see that her client was violently foaming at the mouth. “Sir, it’s almost 9:30pm. You have to get ready for your appointment.” It was the man Seun had met at the door. Of course, he was met with silence, save for Seun’s intense moaning and her client’s grunt for help. Maybe it was the right thing for the man to do because he then began walking towards the bed. Seun knew if she didn’t act right then, she would be caught. “What will happen then?” “Would she be killed?” Those were the questions that ran through Seun’s mind. She decided to look back at the man. When she did, the man stopped. She kept her gaze fixated on his without wavering, she moaned louder and rode the remaining bit of life out of her client. “Oh, I’m sorry. I think I’ll just come back later.” The man said and retraced his steps. Seun’s eyes never left his body until he had closed the door behind him, neither did her moan stop until she was sure the coast was clear. “Ugh.” She groaned when she realized the man was already dead. It was not like that was the first time this happened, she had continued sex with former clients few minutes after they were dead. To her, it was not in a necrophiliac way, it was just to make sure the job was completely finished. She rolled off the dead man, rolled the condom off him and got dressed, she then pulled out some cotton wool and a bottle of methylated spirit out of her purse with which she cleaned her blood out of the man’s nails and cleaned around his balls in case her juice had run further down. After making sure she’d removed all evidence of her presence, she proceeded out of the room. Her heart was racing from earlier. If she had been discovered, she would probably have to kill the other man too but that would obviously be difficult because the man was bigger, stronger and looked dangerous. She prayed in her heart that she would be gone before he goes back to the room. The reception was busier that it was before, the cashier was smiling tiredly as she spoke with another customer, the other two men were still sitting there, drinking. Seun made sure to not attract anyone’s attention as she planned to slip through the exit but her heart jumped when she heard the receptionist’s voice. “Hello Miss.” The reception called to her. Seun felt the whole reception stop to look at her but in truth, it was all in her head because everyone was busy minding their own business. “Yes.” Seun struggled to maintain her poise. She walked to the counter where the receptionist gave her a brown envelope. “Your uncle said to give this to you when you’re leaving.” The lady said. Seun was puzzled. “My uncle?” “Yes, the one you went to meet upstair.” “Oh yes! My uncle. Thank you.” Seun took the envelope and hurried out of the place before something else came up. When she finally got outside, she ran the rest of the way to her car, she had barely opened it when she ignited the engine and drove away. Audu, the tall, dark Hausa man was still waiting up for Seun at the gate when she got there. It was the apartment Doc had gotten her two years before. In their sixteen years of acquaintance, Seun had moved around the country. She had stayed as long as three years at a place and once, for just two weeks before she moved again. Doc made sure to always switch her location whenever he sensed danger or suspicion. It was not like he loved her or cared for her, he was just protecting his deadliest weapon. “Welcome Madam.” Audu greeted as Seun drove in. The man was familiar with her midnight return and would wait up to ensure she was back before he locked the gate. Seun on the other hand, showered him with gifts as compensation. “Audu, my friend. How you dey?” “Fine Madam, how today?” “Alhamdulillah.” Seun took several one thousand naira notes out of her purse and handed it to Audu. “Kai Madam, this one too much, walahi. For this house na you be my small God. You dey do me like child, inshallah God go bless you.” Audu was fond of this cheap flattery that tends to irritate Seun. “That’s okay, Audu. I’m tired, I need to sleep.” Seun said with laughter in her voice to mask her disgust. “Goodnight.” “Goodnight Madam. Thank you o.” She didn’t bother to turn the lights on when she got inside, she threw the envelope and the shopping bag that contained her clothes on the bed. She took off her wig to reveal her neatly matted hair. In the bathroom, she turned the shower on and sat on the floor. Even though she didn’t show it before, she was terrified. The events of the night took a wild turn. Not once had anyone walked in on her when she was at it, the closest experience she’s had was not quite related. It was when one client had invited his son for a threesome. The boy looked young, maybe nineteen. He was shy but Seun remembered him to be very cute. She was with just once shot of her lethal injection and when she administered it to the man, there was no way she’d let the boy live. She proceeded to strangle the boy, it was tough. He tried to fight back, threw her into a wall which gave Seun a permanent little bump on the back of her head. She successfully killed the boy too and Doc was super proud of her that he sent her two million naira as a bonus. Seun looked at her palms, she has very little hands but a killer grip. She wondered how many times she’d employed those beautiful hands to a bloody work. She brought her palms to her face and sobbed into them while the shower rained down on her. It was around 2am in the morning when Seun finally settled down, she sat in her bed and opened the envelope she received earlier. She was not surprised that it contained wads of hundred dollar notes, if the poor man had known it would be his last night on earth, he’d have not left a tip for her. She took out a stick of cigarette from a packet that was laying atop her table, she lit it and brought it to her lips. Smoking was one habit she picked up from the time when she worked undercover in a clubhouse on a mission. She soon realized that it helped take her mind off of things, like guilt and fear. Smoking sets her free. She was not surprised when her phone rang and Doc spoke from the other end of the line. “Baby girl, did I wake you?” He said cutely. Seun felt her insides turn in disgust. “No.” “You did a great job tonight.” “Yes but did you send me there to get me killed? One of his boys saw me. He was there when I got there and came back when he was half dead.” “So?” He said, unamused. “So? What do you mean so?” Seun said in anger. “Let me ask you something. Who’s the boss here?” “You.” Seun answered reluctantly. He was going to scold her. “Keep that in mind. You’ll be meeting with someone in two weeks.” “Seriously? I could have gotten killed.” “Yet, here you are. How did you handle the guy who saw you?” “I didn’t. I couldn’t. I had to save myself.” “And you’re here running your mouth. Look at me thinking you did a great job. You let someone see you and let them go? What if he comes searching for you? Well, you know how to protect yourself.” Then came the dial tone. He had hung up like he always did. “I don’t even matter.” Seun said as the tears ran down her pretty face. “My life means nothing to you. You cursed bastard.”
The evening air was cold and a strong musky smell hung in the air. Seun thought that her nasal cavity must be congested or why else does the smell linger. She was dressed in a thin cotton jacket and a pair of fitted plack jeans, the cap she had on was pulled down so much that if she didn’t raise her head up, her face was completely hidden. The street was dimly illuminated by several streetlights and except for a small, local bar that stood at its end, it was completely deserted. It was very dark inside the bar, so dark that it was difficult to see. The only light that could be seen was the one being emitted by a big coloured bulb at the centre of the ceiling. The loud music blaring from the speakers made it feel like the cheap clubs Seun visited during her days in Akwa-Ibom. If Seun had not made plans with him, it would have been more difficult for her to locate him amist the chaos. He was sitting in the last booth in the bar, his back turned with an empty seat opposite him. Seun made her way through the crowd to get to him. When she arrived, he was quick to stand up to greet her. “You must be Mr Akin.” Seun said, extending her hand which he graciously shook. “And you must be Miss Richard, very nice to meet you.” A quiet but firm voice spoke above the noise. His entire face was shaven, his eyes dropped slightly and he looked to be in his late thirties. “It’s nice to have you.” Seun sat across him. “You really do have a taste in bars.” He said, looking around in a swift turn of his head. “I must say, I’ve never been to somewhere like this before. Cheap and loud but with a great menu.” He pointed at the almost empty plate of pepper soup in front of him. “Right, I thought the food would make up for their lack of civility.” Seun said with a warm smile. “I went ahead to order before you came, shall I get the waiter to take your order?” Seun thought she’d get home too late to make anything for dinner and she also wanted a taste of the pepper soup he rated so high. “Sure, I’ll have a take out of the amazing pepper soup and a can of Smirnoff to go.” Mr Akin waved the waiter over and Seun placed the order. “So, your company wanted you to meet me here, a night before I come in to sign the contract? I thought we already finalized the deal and all I had to do was come over to give my signature?” The man said. Seun had no knowledge of whatever business he was on about, she was given his email and instructions to spam him and lure him out. She was never told anything beyond what her own part was, so the question took her completely by surprise. “Yes. The thing is, as the P.A to the CEO, I was supposed to bring the contract to you to sign since the CEO had urgent matters to attend to that forced him to travel out of the country earlier today.” Mr Akin brought the can of half drunk Goldberg beer to his mouth and sipped from it. “But I had no idea.” A disappointed look crossed his face. “That’s why I was sent to make it up to you with dinner and have you sign it here.” “Oh really?” He beamed. “Can I have it now?” The waiter was back with Seun’s order, she seized the opportunity to stretch her leg to his under the table. She touched her toes to his knee and steadied her gaze on his. He looked confused at first, then uncomfortable as he paid the waiter. Seun continued the teasing, she pushed her leg into his thigh and rubbed her foot over his limp cock which rose to her touch. He looked innocent, it was obvious that he was the type that wouldn’t cheat on their partner but he could barely resist, given the place and time. “What are you doing?” He asked, beads of sweat gathering on his temple. Seun held her index to her lips. “Shh.” She whispered. “We don’t want to get caught, so relax.” She continued rubbing her foot on him and soon felt dampness at the front of his trousers. Seun looked around, everyone was going about their businesses, no one will see. She slipped to her knees and completely disappeared beneath the table, the next moment, she unzipped his trousers and released his hard cock. “Just relax.” She looked up into his eyes and without looking away, swallowed his entire length. She sucked and slurped on it while making sure to pump his boner with her fist. She could see that he was enjoying it, so much that he threw his head back. Seun released his cock from her mouth but continued the hand job. “Are you enjoying it?” She asked. “Yes.” He managed to say. Seun hated the place and time because sucking him had gotten her all hot and bothered, she wanted to ride on the nice cock that warmed her mouth. She wanted it to spread her and destroy her insides until she would lose her ability to walk. She undid her jacket and released her jugs, she wrapped both boobs around his throbbing meat and slipped then up and down. And whenever the cockhead popped out at the top of her boobs, she would lick it like it was a popsicle. She continued this for a while then tucked her boobs back in. Seun resumed sucking him, she sucked him harder and harder and soon heard the familiar moan that signified that he was about to cum. Seun wasted no time in retrieving the filled syringe from inside her jacket, she stuck the needle into his thigh and pressed in the shot. He vigorously shook in his seat, he looked down to meet Seun’s straight face. “Left to me, I wouldn’t let such a good cock go to waste without giving it a send-off fuck but, it is what it is. I’m so sorry but I hope the blowjob did it for you.” She casually said, still rubbing him. While he was choking, Seun got a tiny ziploc bag which contained a sheet of baby wipe from inside of her jacket, cleaned him with it and tucked back his cock, careful to not leave behind her fingerprints. She grabbed his can of beer and poured it over his hands to wipe the prints she left on them from the handshake they shared earlier. She crawled out from beneath the table, got her takeout pack, the now empty can of beer and left the dying man to his final moment. It would take a few minutes for him to finally die and probably longer for his death to be discovered. Seun walked the rest of the way to home, she intentionally chose a local bar about two bus stops from her apartment. It was easily accessible without the need for a drive and the scenery was perfect for carrying out the execution without attracting attention, she was tired of the usual hotel trips that further put her in harm’s way. She took her time to breathe in the evening air, it was clearer than earlier. It was probably anxiety that choke her, she was nervous before but now she felt much better. Seun brought out a cigarette stick she kept in her pocket earlier and lit it. She took one great big drag, held it in, then slowly released the smoke through her nose. It felt better, infact she felt better. Audu was keeping watch as usual but Seun just waved at him and went straight to her apartment. She undressed, put the TV on and sat in front of it to eat her pepper soup. She waited for Doc’s call but it never came, maybe they were yet to discover the dead man, she thought. When it dawned on her that no call was coming, she went to bed. It was 6:30am when he finally called. His voice was proud over the phone, it was obvious that he was happy. “My baby girl.” He hailed her. “Good morning, Doc.” She tried to not sound sleepy. “I’m sorry if I woke you.” “It’s fine.” She said with disgust, when did he start to care about that? “You did an excellent job last night. Daddy is proud of you.” Seun hated whenever he referred to himself as her dad. It made her boil. “My dad would be turning in his grave right now, I’m sure.” Seun said sharply. “Ugh, it’s too early to be cranky. I just called to say hello. I’ll call you later then.” He said in haste and hung up. Seun hissed out loud, if she had known, she’d have turned her phone off before going to sleep. She turned the phone off in anger and went back to bed.


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